Ryan Freeman
Father, Teacher, Coach
Ryan is the father of three wonderful daughters, a tennis coach, business owner, and former school teacher.
A pivotal life event was the catalyst for his new outlook. His story was featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul, Angels All Around,101 Inspirational Stories of Miracles, Divine Intervention and Answered Prayers. His world view dramatically shifted and he began to experience life in a new way. Ryan felt the need to share this mind set with his daughters.
Zips4Kids and Ignite Their Spark were born! Two ways for kids to experience the beauty of giving and learning.
With a BA in elementary education from Clemson University, Ryan spends his time between the classroom, the tennis courts, and world travel.
Part of Ryan's journey included being gifted a car from Christian Brothers Automotive in 2017. This had such an impact that Ryan and his daughters have now donated two cars to families in need. If you know of anyone who would benefit from a car donation, or you would like to help with the next car, please reach out.